My very first blog award I was given was by a young woman in SF named PhC, who was struggling with HIV. She has dropped off the blogosphere for the last two years, but I want to replay her gift forward. I don't know if she has left this earth, or left the blogosphere, but I miss her.
Here are my awardees for the Golden Lion Award- for their shameless writing and muckraking and inspiration. In no particular order.
Mary, at Letting Go, because when I grow up I want to write like her, with the grace and humility she writes about unpopular things and the 12 Steps.
FP, at Writhe Safely, for the same reason as above, and her latest piece shows her to be a master of words and I wish I could write like her as well.
John at a Storied Mind, because he inspires me with his writing and story telling and enouragement.
Stephany, because she can write with courage and love while describing her youngest daughter struggling, and breaking your heart at the same time. (Bring Kleenex when you visit Stephany, as of late).
Harrad, at Access Denied, for writing so lovely about MS and helping me understand my friend G- who has been struggling with MS her entire life.
Ana, at Just Ana, for being all alone in Brazil by herself and still be able to raise hell.
Fiddy at Seroxat Sufferers for raising hell about the good, bad and ugly in the world, whether it's political or Big Pharma, and for introducing me to Beautiful South, a group I am liking almost as much as Lighthouse Family.
Mark, at Psych Survivor 2.0 because he gives me hope and cares about things, takes time to look at the roses and smell them and cares for squirrels.
Will, at Will Spirit, for writing about such deep complex things with absolute beauty and knowledge.
Bunker at Psychiatry.... for proving the buck stops here, and his first name is D, not Archie.
Stan at Is there something wrong- for having (at least in his blog) the largest set of brass ones I've ever seen to tackle what he tackles, without any sugar coating and using only spell check ( I think) to find some of the things he prints.
Anthony, at My Sick Mind, for having the guts to write about NJ with passion the way I wish I could write with, and for being an interesting guy and fellow (albeit brand new) stripey cat owner.
and Bitter, at My Medicated Cartoon life, for making me smile with his cartoons and then writing such beautiful posts on depression and life, I cannot help but wonder, how someone can draw and write so beautifully at the same time, but can he walk and chew gum at the same time? Please don't close your blog down Bitter. We need you.
I'm done for the year. I was only supposed to give six, but I couldn't narrow it down. Thank you all.
Hi Susan,
What a surprise thank you so much for this award.
Thanks Susan!, what a great list of blogs for good reading. (PS--I agree even I need kleenex reading my blog, but it's life as it happens)
Thanks for the big up Susan.
Ps - I write Seroxat Sufferers and not Seroxat Secrets.
Thanks again
Whoops Fiddy. Sorry. Fixed.
I had stopped accepting awards a while back due to the nature of the beast so to speak.
I write with some dark humor, and with an "in your face" style that does not lend itself to many accolades to be quite honest.
But thank you Susan; it's truly an honor to be placed in such a mixed bag of blogs, and esteemed company.
I believe that sounded almost positive?
I butter "whoops" better spell check this now.
I don't know what I meant about spell check. You write very long pieces and I have never seen a mistake on it......
There are exceptions to every rule, maybe you can make one for me... even if it does have a cat on it....
It takes a lot of chutzpah to write the things we do... I couldn't do it the way you and the others do, and I admire those who do and can.
Thank you for the Golden Lion Award.
Thank you for your blog, and your blogs honesty. I think you help(ed) people. Besides helping yourself when writing, (in writing about your bipolar or whatever you want to call it), you help people when they care about you (selflessness), or see themselves in your writing so don't feel so alone.
Thank you very much.
I was going to sleep and decided to check the blog.
I'm so happy!
You made my night and tomorrow I will wake up thinking about you and all these amazing blog friends.
As many kleenex as needed.
Love you all...
"I butter "whoops""
LOL really? No wonder you got an award
Thank you Susan. I'm not accustomed to praise. Cats yes - humans, not so much! But I do appreciate it. I surely do.
Thor has taken to sitting at my feet the way Kitty did. Strange.
Thank you Susan! You rock.
What a great surprise, Susan! Thank you.
It's so encouraging to be honored by a fine writer like you. You know how unconvinced folks like me are about the value of anything we do. A gift at the door like this means a lot.
I hope you're doing better. It always amazes me that you manage to write a beautiful post when you're not well. Where there are words, there's a future.
All love -
Thanks so much for the award, Susan. It is really appreciated and I'm honoured to be among such good company. Thanks.
Congrats on your award.I came to visit from AnA's site.I've added you to my google reader.Also I have a bear hug on my side bar I want you to have it.
Mike, I would love a bear!
Glad to meet a friend of Ana's. She is really great.
Susan - Thanks for the lovely list! I found many new friends!
Hi Susan--
I thanked you on my site, but not here on yours; I apologize for the delay. I appreciate the recognition, and the tips to all those other fine blogs. Happy Holidays!
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