This piece was written several years ago....This does not indicate my state of mind at the moment, but is rather a glimpse of why I hate New Years Eve, especially if you are alone on it.
New Years is a bad night for me. Part of me thinks of the old Barry Manilow song, "It's just another New Year's Eve/It's just a night like all the rest..."
Part of me is feeling sad. Depressed. Wanting to put a gun to my head and pull the trigger. I realized yesterday when I w as eating Chinese in the Village with a friend of mine, that I was conceived on New Years Eve by a 12 year old girl who had too much to drink. Could my earliest memory of consciousness be that of my conception between a drunk sperm and a drunk egg?
After all, drunken conception is nothing new, it has been happening as long as primal man slithered out of the the primal ooze that was the river Charybdis and became the genus Homo. John Lennon once made a comment about half the people in the world being conceived by too much alcohol on a Saturday night. I shouldn't be teasing these Saturday night specials, after all it made my father's side of the family multi multi millionaires. It is like the Bible says "the sins of the parents are passed down to their children?"
I am lonely. I feel lonely. Thinking about conception has made me horny. But I don't want to get laid. I don't know what I want. I have an urge to fly; I want to have one of those flying dreams I use to have when I was a child, but don't anymore. But I do not know where I would fly to. There is no where I want to go other than my bed. I want to sleep. I never want to wake up again. This horrible thing is depression, and it has me in it's sharp talons, not letting me go. I am screaming, and no one is listening. No one can hear my soul in pain.
I had my last drink on September 26, 1996. I can still recall it, sometimes I can still taste it. September 25, I had a bottle of red wine, adding grain (Everclear) to it so I could get buzzed faster. I passed out. I woke up the next day, no cottonmouth, but thirsty. I went to an AA meeting where being so thirsty, I couldn't even hold my glass of water. Finally got some down, got drunk again, and went into the DT's. I have not had a drink since then. Every time I get an urge, I recall that drink, the DT's; being strapped down to a bed and shaking so badly that the bed was moving, and the feeling passes. At the time I was drinking, I was hell bent on destroying myself. I was in pain, felt my life had not meaning, and it was easier to stay drunk than to actually live.
Now I have tonight.
I want to drink tonight. I want to take a bottle of vodka and take a long hot bath in my pajamas. Drink the bottle in the bath tub. And when the bottle is empty, crash it against the bathtub, shattering it. Taking the shards and slitting my wrists, my ankles, my throat. How long would it take to see the blood ebb out before going to sleep? I just want the pain to stop. I want the loneliness to stop. I feel all alone. I feel empty. I feel worthless. I feel like I should have been born dead. I don't know why I was conceived in the first place.
I'm hollow. I don't even feel alive anymore. I feel like a Basilisk. Dead. Empty.
I am not afraid of dying. That is easy. It is living that is hard, and living , so much of it sucks. I feel the loneliness the despair and it chokes me. I do not know who to ask for help. Maybe I don't want it. All I know when I feel like this, I want to curl up and never wake again.
Please God, grant me that one wish. Please. Because I am afraid of tomorrow. I feel as if I have been lied to, it does not get better. All the hard work I have done, that I am doing, back breaking work when I hit bottom to be where I am now, was it worth it? I do not mind being alone. I cannot handle lonely anymore. I feel so lonely I really could die. I am so lonely I might as well be dead.
All that hard work, and just now, when I feel the most vunerable, the most wounded, the one time I need someone I am alone. Like Tennyson's Percival, if I was to see the Holy Grail, I would know that this quest is not for me. Like Percival, the purest of Arthur's knights, , but still not pure enough to touch the Grail. I am not a knight in shining armor. The only dragons I have slain are of my own making.
And I just can't see this fairy tale ending happily. A long time ago I use to do tarot readings. They said I was psychic. I can often see how people will die in this lifetime. I have seen my own death, and know it will be by my own hand. And this prophesy I want to change. I just want not to be alone right now. I just want someone to hold me until this feeling passes. I s that asking so much? But as always, I am alone. YOu come into this world alone , you die alone, but I never thought this middle part called life would find me alone as well.
(Original written in 2001, re written in December 2008, and December 2009).
Susan, I hope that this New Years finds you in a better place than when this was written. But I can definitely relate-- I hate the holiday too. I hope all is well with you!
i haven't found your blog in a while. so many of us together and alone on a planet.
melancholy--i think it's a disease.
sending thoughts to you.
upside down rain.
Susan, I'm glad that you are here, living. I have never seen the glory in celebrating New Year's Eve. Most of the years, I've fallen asleep before midnight. I do have great curiosity about what the new year will bring. And I want to see how my life will go. I don't want to check out of living because I want to see how it all will end. Take care of yourself.
Those who oppose a single payer healthcare system in America look upon you as a financial liability, not a human life.
I used to like New Years Eve because friends and I use to go to a friends house, cook up a sweet meal, drink and watch fireworks but now they all got married and starting to have kids. Boo hoo thanks a fucking lot for leaving single friends behind. I think couples should help out their single friends instead of being so into themselves and ignoring their single friends and help get their single friends hooked up.
Single people fucking hate seeing couples kiss on New Years Eve. Couples suck when single people tell them that your single all they do is say oh you'll find someone, you'll find someone sometime, or just wait you eventually find someone. Single people don't fucking want to fucking hear that... We single people want something then and NOW not couples fucking rambling about oh you'll eventually find someone all the while they are a couple sitting and enjoying each other. Couples are so not compassionate towards single people.
I agree Anon. I cannot tell you how many times in my life I;ve asked friends that were couples for a fix up, only to be told "I don't fix up my friends".
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