Thursday, August 20, 2009

I cannot resist posting this

This was sent to me by Wendy. I think it's really awesome. Carl Sagan really went before his time.
Please click on the image if you cannot see it. Personally I find it humbling.


  1. A beautiful message of hope... HORRIBLY RUINED by the use of the infamous Comic Sans typography!! :-P

    PS: Carl was *the* man.

  2. RPJ-Agree with you on Carl Sagan. The Comic Sans hyperlink had me laughing out loud! Thanks!

  3. I guess I should confess something:

    My college final thesis was printed in Comic sans. More than 400 pages and 40+ drawing schematics —I use the damn thing to level my bed now.

    You won't find a more ardent zealot than in the recently converted :-P

  4. RPJ-

    I don't even know where my thesis lies. I think somewhere in a landfill next to Jimmy Hoffa

  5. Awesome!! I'm going to post this on Facebook. I love Sagan but my favorite scientist (at least right now) is Neil deGrasse Tyson.

  6. Handsome!
    thank you!

    Befriend me on Facebook!

  7. I haven't finished my thesis, it's been 21 years in production - they finally just gave me the degree and asked me to leave... Maybe it was all those rough drafts in Comic sans...
    Uh, RPJ - I'm trying to get this picture of leveling a bed with 400 pages and drawing schematics...
    But all that behind us, I'm glad you posted this Susan - because as RPJ said - it is a beautiful message!


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