Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The World Is Going To Stand Still

Just like the world slowed down to a halt as people watched the late Princess Diana's funeral, the world will stop later today and watch Barak Obama be sworn in as the 44th President of the United States. He will place his hand on Lincoln's bible, a bible that has never been used since Lincoln himself used it.

Taking the day off to watch history. As should you. Tell your children and your children's children.

Sometimes, life really is wonderful.


  1. I'm taking the day off too--I had a doctor's appt (reg doc, not pdoc or tdoc) and I'm gonna call in sick (lol) because I just realized I cannot sit in a boring doctor's office and watch the Inauguration at the same time. Yes, my brain is a few steps behind, as usual!!

    I'm gonna bust out the bubbly (apple cider in my case!) and celebrate in front of the TV!!

    Wow--I can still remember here in the South, when bathrooms/doctors' offices/drinking fountains/practically everything was marked "Whites Only" or "Colored Only". Now...yesterday celebrating MLK Day, and today our first African-American President!! WOO-HOO!!!!!!!! I am sooo excited!!!

    P.S. So sad to see you are leaving MG--I will miss you SOOO MUCH, but thankfully we can still keep in touch! I would so hate to lose contact with you, and of course with beautiful Holly! And I hope you feel lots better soon!

    Give Holly-Cat a big hug and kisses from me, and tell her to snuggle with her mommy til she is all better! Kitties can cure anything!! :-)

    Love and hugs,

  2. I'll still be painting the house of an elderly lady tomorrow. She thinks that fresh paint will help her to be a foster parent to teen-agers.

    I painted the base of one room today. Tomorrow, I'll base another. Then the stairway to the second floor.

    I doubt she'll be awarded a foster child. But I want to help her, at least. Service comes in all forms.

    I'll listen on NPR, at least.

    BTW, I'm a tad out of it. MG? Qu'est ce que c'est?

    Oh, and Southern, I loved Ms. Rosa Parks,after finally drinking from a "White Water" fountain, said, "Tastes just like Black water."

  3. "Sometimes, life really is wonderful."


  4. yup, doing the same tonight. celebrating at my sisters place and eating burgers! :)

  5. @Southernbelle- Dear Sweet Scarlett- it really is amazing, isn't it. I wonder what the real Scarlett would think though.....And would she go to the inagural in curtains again?

    FYI_ Holly in doghouse. She scratched me real good last night. Mad for 2 minutes, then gave her a kiss and some pounces. Too cute to be mad at.

    @Dano- my apartment needs to be painted. I would like white, with cat paws all over it .Can you do? Bring your fur babies, and they can party in paint.
    Great about Rosa Parks.

    MG- Mood Garden. I will be back but had a fight with my best friend there on ECT that got nasty. Oh sigh.

    @Katherine, life is wonderful. Now all Obama needs is a dog, or two. And a cat.

    @Vivienne- I ill have my burger medium.... please. Oh I love cheeseburgers.

  6. WOO-HOO!!!!!!!!
    FormerPresident Bush!
    Congratulations America!


    I'm happy!


  8. thanks so much for your post! we have mutual spikol admiration and it's so nice to connect with someone having the same mental health anonymity blogging issues... please note that i am shifting over from that web site to a new URL:


    i will add you to my links now.


  9. We huddled around the big-screen in our cafeteria and loafed for an hour. Whatever amount of work we would have done in that hour was meaningless by comparison.

    How about that Bible that Joe Biden used? I thought it was going to knock his wife over!

  10. Mood Garden, huh? Well, you and I most certainly agree about ECT.

    I was back painting this elderly lady's house again. Her grandmother was a slave. She came running down the stairs right after Obama was sworn in.

    She was giggling like a little girl and teary too. Me too. I grabbed her and hugged her. We were so excited.

    She couldn't shut up! She babbled away until she missed the speeches! Then she turned on the downstairs TV and babbled some more.

    I was exhausted from moving the crap out of the way and trying to paint quickly. But I feel so lucky to have been with some one who had been through the terrible oppressions and lived to see this.


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