Sunday, December 30, 2012

Why I Hate New Year's Eve

This is my most popular post. Nothing has changed in the time I've written it. Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, my least favorite night of the year.

The best way I know how to cope with it is to go to sleep around 9 pm so when I wake up around 3 am it's over.

In most ways, 2012 has been the worst year of my adult life. For once, I am glad to see a year go. I hope and wish a great 2013 for all who come by here.

Here is my post on why I hate New Years Eve, from last year. 



  1. I think you should say "F-it" and throw yourself a pity party. Pizza, soft drinks a cake and candy!

    Just kidding, I think. Sucks when there are days like that. I would indulge in something I love, something just for me... a shopping party. lol I know.... I am mentally ill though, so maybe that's my excuse too.

    (This is supposed to being some sort of funny into light, if it doesn't sorry!!)-But I would go shopping and then eat the things I love most!

  2. I hope 2013 is kinder for all of us.

  3. I was invited to a New Years Party tonight...couldn't go. My friend lives miles away, and trying to get a cab in the UK on NYE is like trying to find a tiny needle in a huge haystack. I couldn't get a lift, as I know nobody with transport, so i had to decline and she is now so hacked off with me and won't speak to me. Great. Lovely start to NY for me lol! I hate NY it really is a reminder of how lonely you are and how old you're getting!!

  4. For lack of anything better to say, that is a kick effing ass post.

  5. Hope this will be a much better year for you. 2012 was challenging for almost everybody I know, including me, for a whole lot of different reasons. But my feelings towards NYE have changed since living in Japan, where it's a family-oriented holiday, much like Christmas or Hanukkah in the US. In Japan, it's Christmas Eve that's for couples! Whatever, it's past and this year lies ahead, it HAS to be better. Bests.

  6. That is a fantastic picture of "More Time on Treadmill"! I'm also thinking of hanging more laundry on it. Resolutions don't really help motivate me anyway, so I don't bother. New Years can be as anxiety-causing as any other major holiday, we expect so much from ourselves.
    Adventures in Anxiety Land

  7. you make a difference

  8. I'm not sure what made me think of it, but my one abiding memory of my dad is a word association game that he would play with us, called "silly buggers". You probably know it by a different name: I say a word, you respond, I respond to your response, and so on, a word at a time, until one of us hits a wall and can't think of anything to say. The "winner" (to the extent that there is a winner), is the one who can always react - always find something to say.

    I never really understood how valuable that game was.


  9. Hi I am a random bipolar person and I have been reading some of your posts through some years and I am so glad that you are alive keep posting if you can it is all very helpful to read. Your ability to write and create such helpful and vibrant posts is stunning considering what you say your ailments are. keep going.

  10. Liking how even the cats are taking up new years resolutions by spending more time on the treadmill lol!

  11. Sounds sinister. I can understand why you have a problem with new year with all that you are going through.
    Yet it is about new opportunities and out with the old and in with the new. I think it is great that you are doing voluntary work. Maybe some help with the other things might boost you for next year. Good luck

  12. Where have you been Susan?

    Hope all is well.
    Spring is here so hope to hear from you again soon.

  13. Susan, I think of you often and hope you are okay. I understand some of what you are going through and wish that this world made sense. Take care.


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