I don't know what to do, I am having no such luck contacting Blogger, but I was able to contact the third party element that was compromised.
If you find something wonky please let me know, if anything else goes missing let me know. This is most upsetting.
ETA: I heard from all parties. One element is just not loading on Safari, but it's there on Firefox. The latest version of Safari is making my computer wonky- I can't get on Twitter either with it, but Firefox works like a dream. I will be un-installing Safari and going to an earlier version.
The other element is upsetting. It seems that Friday night some code got erased, and I need to reinstall it from scratch.
The good news is, I have been meaning to do a major overhaul of the site, appearance wise. It hasn't been done since 08. This is the kick in the tush I needed to get things done.
In other words, for the next couple of days, if you see something missing and then it's there a few minutes later, or the site changes colors and goes back in a few minutes to the original color, it's me playing with the template to make the blog more attractive.
I've updated this piece and added two LOL's for your amusement.
Greetings ! Do you own any blogging education or it is just a pure natural gift of yours? Can't wait to hear from you.