Saturday, January 1, 2011

Recovery stories to give us hope.

Recovery is possible, and something to try to achieve in this New Year. I want to thank Gianna Kali for this wonderful article. She lists some amazing people in it that are doing well on their road to recovery, and are inspiring. Thanks Gianna, for putting together this list!

Recovery Stories:
New stories are now added at the top of  list so if you visit again they’ll be easy to find


  1. Hi Cheryl! I'm 5th on the list. Right under Jazz.

  2. That's what I thought, but it links twice to another blog by an entirely different Susan

  3. Cheryl, you are right. It doesn't matter, it's all good, and the stories remarkable. I;m still a work in progress.

  4. Oh I fixed the article. Thanks!

  5. Thanks for posting this, Susan! I hope your health is improving. Here's to hoping 2011 is better for all of us than 2010!

  6. Thanks for posting this. I will have to look at some of the stories. I am partway through coming off Effexor, down to approximately 1/2 of a 37.5 mg capsule each day. I want to get off it because I think it is impairing my thinking skills. I don't know if I'm right or not, but I have to try for me.



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