Sunday, October 10, 2010

I think I am way over due for a cute fix

I am way over due for a cute fix. Something cute to take our minds off the world news, and just make you feel happy.

Enjoy your weekend, and remember, somebunny, (Me) loves you.


  1. Oh my gosh! That made me laugh and squeal I was practically in tears!. I'm about to become a mom to two baby wabbits and this has given me some great photo op ideas hehe!

    Lots of bunny love to you to:)

  2. That was way too cute! It made me smile - thanks for that! I'm so happy I came across your site. I added it to my blog site under "Noteworthy Blogs" - I really like what you've done here - and I look forward to reading more!!!

    If you're interested, please check out my blog "Hope Despite Depression"

    Take care!

  3. @Andrew, thank you. I am fond of you too, my friend.

    @Stephi, let me know when the wabbits arrive. I love bunnies!

    Have you seen the Daily Bunny? I have a link on here to them, and know two friends in real life who have had their silly wabbits published on it.

    @Hope Thank you so much. I will check out your blog today! We all need a cute fix every now and then.

  4. Hi,
    They are very cute..Really I like that amazing video....
    Thanks for posting this blog...


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