Thursday, September 2, 2010

I'm still here. Back to writing full force next week

I'm still here. It's been a rough month for me, family issues, and an extreme bout of suicidal despair the worst I have had since December 02. Back then I had ECT. This time I kept to myself, not telling anyone how badly I felt and purposely stayed off the internet not to write about my despair. I was too depressed to write.

The end of August is also a rough time for me, something horrible happened to me once apon a time the night before my birthday and to get to my birthday is always tricky.

I made it. Today is my birthday. I had a wonderful Chinese/Japanese luncheon with my parents and brought home a piece of sushi for the cat. Tonight I am going to sit on the couch and try to write and watch some TV. And try to start writing again.

Oh as you can see, I have a very big cake here, ya all feel free to stop on by for a cyber slice.


  1. I'm so glad you're here, Susan. Happy birthday, and here's to many, many more. :)

    Birthday hugs and tailwags,

  2. I'm so sorry to hear the last month has been so rough for you, but I'm glad you're back as I miss reading your thoughts and so forth.

  3. Hi Susan,
    Happy birthday! I'm glad you had a nice lunch with your parents. And I'm sure the cat appreciated the sushi!

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been going through an especially rough time, but it is good to see that you feel up to posting again. I hope things continue to improve for you little by little.

  4. Hey Happy Birthday and I'm glad you're ok. Stay strong ok

  5. Many happy returns to you Susan,I pray that u will b extremely blessed and the next year will provide you with a real breakthrough with your illness.
    Sorry to hear you've had a tough month, believe men, I've been more or less in same boat so I can really identify. But you are a surviver and you made it!
    Looking forward to your writing again x

  6. Many happy returns to you Susan,I pray that u will b extremely blessed and the next year will provide you with a real breakthrough with your illness.
    Sorry to hear you've had a tough month, believe men, I've been more or less in same boat so I can really identify. But you are a surviver and you made it!
    Looking forward to your writing again x

  7. I am so glad you made it to your birthday.

    I'm sorry for the darkness you've been experiencing. How wonderful that there is some light now.

    I hope writing helps. Writing is healing for me; I hope it is the same for you.

    May you be blessed as you continue your recovery.

  8. Happy birthday Susan -- good to see you back!


  9. I'm sorry you've been feeling badly. Hopefully the ECT will help. Happy birthday!

    Wishing you well,

  10. Happy Birthday! Glad you made it through.

    Re :NOS and ECT
    The brain is physically healthy and E.C.T. will not "fix" it since it is not measurably broken.

  11. Happy B - Day girlfriend!

    Wonder Woman

  12. AHHMMM! Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR SUSAN, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUU! (belated but heart-felt)
    I am glad that you are feeling better and ready to write again.
    Steer clear of the ECT if possible. You can do it.
    xx kris

  13. Happy Birthday! I hope the months get easier for you...

    take care, hold on strong

  14. Susan, I am late to wishing you a Happy Birthday. I am glad that you had a good day. Looking forward to more posts from you and glad that you are moving out of the rough times.

  15. Thank you for the kind wishes! It was a good day and the cat and I had sushi! ;-)

    I think I have the best readers in the world. Thank you.


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