Monday, April 19, 2010

My Personal Writing Space

Today is a day I am dreading. First I go off to get my lithium levels checked. Not so bad, I don't mind that. Then I go a few hours later to the Oncologist to get my white blood count checked. I've been running a low level cold for the past two weeks or so, and the last time I saw my GP she said my levels were elevated and she wanted me to check with my Oncologist.  I am hoping he tells me I won't need a bone marrow biopsy. It's been two years since my last one, and I keep having to get my levels checked every four-five months. It's been about six - seven months, because I've just been so busy I forgot.  I'm just thinking positive thoughts.

The picture is my writing space- in the kitchen- where I do all my writing and blogging. It's my iBook G4. You can see the second hard drive and the cookbooks, and Beanie Babies that surround it. From the window I can see a big, very old Oak tree, which in the Spring and Summer houses a bird family. Every year, like clockwork, they come back, build a nest and raise baby birdies. Both my cats would watch this progression, like it was number one on the "Cat TV" list. Either that or they were dreaming of ways to serve the new born baby birds.  I am grateful there are two panes of glass separating them from the birds. And they have never been outside.

I will give a brand new Beanie Baby to the first reader who can tell me the applications resting in the Dock. 


  1. Well, you don't have to give me a Beanie Baby but you have most all the same ones that I do--Finder, Word for Mac, iDVD, iMovie, Safari,
    Garage Band, iPhoto, iTunes, etc.
    I do love my Macs.

  2. Hi Susan and Holly,

    Lots of luck re: the lithium levels and the oncologist!


  3. Finder, compass, mail, safari, ichat, calendar, dictionary, contacts, garage band, iweb, iphoto, __, __, imovie, idvd, itunes, dvd player, quicktime player, __, word for mac, excel for mac, powerpoint for mac, keynote, minimized window, trash

    Good luck with lithium and the oncologist!

  4. Journey, very good! The ones you missed were Appleworks, and Writer's Dream Kit. The other one you didn't recognize is the System Preferences for OS 10.3


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