Friday, January 1, 2010

Some thoughts on US Health care

I hope everyone is enjoying the New Year.....Two great thoughts on US Healthcare from Pundit Kitchen.....


  1. I guess I'm crazy - but I can't understand why so many are so scared of US Health Care...
    My daughter has to lie, steal and cheat to get health care that keeps her alive, because neither she or we can afford the $1000 a month for the COBRA when she was laid off from work. She had to move hundreds of miles away from us to another state, so our income would not be counted in figuring her eligibility, even though she is 28 years old. Surely, there is something better than what we have??? And if it doesn't work the way we want, we can't keep tweeking the programs until they do work, right??
    How can we be one of the most advanced nations in the world, but families have to go bankrupt, just to receive basic health care??
    In those pictures of everyone protesting, did everyone have health care??

  2. Hi Wendy,

    I don't know enough about the bill to comment, really. It seems to be a lot of reading , which is over whelming,

    The picture you are referring to, was a clip of a huge crowd at the mall, made by one of the sister sites by the LOL cat people..... so it wasn;'t about health care, they just made a caption about it.

    I know our system is broken right now. I don't know how to fix it, I think the tax is Herculean, and I don't know if anyone can fix it short of a miracle.

  3. You're missing the point.

    The American healthcare system is a reflection of American culture. The strong, healthy, and well connected survive and thrive. The weak, unhealthy, and not well connected suffer and die. Don't be fooled by election year rhetoric. Neither Americans nor their leaders give a damn about anyone.

  4. HI Bacon,

    First, I love your avatar.....
    This is probably why I don;t discuss politics on cyberspace- though I am passionate about them in real life. I cannot see who I am talking to and read body language.

    But I hate to say it, I think you are right. Lately, all politics reminds me of "Animal Farm"- "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others".

    It's not for naught I often feel like Boxer, waiting for the glue factory after a hard life.

    Thank you for popping by again.

  5. Well, when Michael Vick was going through his dog cruelty ordeal, several people made the remark that he wouldn't have been so vilified if he had killed people, and maybe that's true.

    Animals are dependent on us and we protect them, to the extent that dog food is advertised as having "Not a speck of cereal" while we happily sell tobacco products to ourselves.

    When I was going through my cat adoption process I remarked to several people that it would have been easier to buy a gun.

  6. Love the humor. I ranted about the healthcare bill on my blog on Christmas Day. What a rotten attitude I had! But the issue really upsets me. Glad to see the problem addressed, but with wit rather than words. Best wishes for the coming year.



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