Sunday, November 15, 2009

New Blog Look

Every one deserves a new winter look, my blog just got a make over from my friend Peter. I hope my readers will like the cleaner look, blogroll updates, and streamline.

Thank you Peter!

He can be reached at Blogmakeovers, Inc. and accepts payment in either bullion or feline nom noms. (I paid him in fish flakes).


  1. Pete of the prys blog? I wondered what happened to that guy when his blog went to invitation only.

    Nice appearance.

  2. Thank you! Yep, same guy. He' knows a lot about computers and needs a job!!!

  3. Looks good Susan! Congrats to Pete.

  4. I really like the New Blog Look!!
    Feels fresh like spring instead of winter!!

  5. GREAT idea putting the blog awards into a slide show! who thought of that? Pete? I may have to copy that one (um steeal the idea) :)

  6. That was Pete, but you actually gave me the idea Stephany with your nature pictures in a slide show. Or it was Koda pictures.


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