Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It's My Second Anniversary

I never thought when, two years ago today, I started this blog, that;

1. Anyone would read it.

2. The people who read it actually liked it.

Two years, I am humbled by the people I have met through this blog, and who have added me to their readers, blogrolls,  and Facebook. I admit, I am still a relative newbie, and the blog is a living thing, still evolving. I still don't know where I am going with this, but I thank you for being with me on this marvelous journey.



  1. Susan,

    I’d opine that your writing is interesting and one has also got to like you.

    Just think, even me the supposed big bad ogre likes what you have to offer but please remember that doesn’t me I have to agree with all you write or that of your other participants.

    Don’t worry where your blog is going...you just keep on going.

    I hope you feel better too. Joyce has had a residual lingering cough, phlegm and mucus (blah) from a cold a couple of months ago and is now first recovering.

    Hang in there.


  2. Keep on keeping on Susan.

    Blogging can be a very powerful tool and controversial too.

    Keep plugging away


  3. Congratulations Susan!
    You are a very strong person.
    Blogging and opening up is really hard.
    Keep going!

    Eleonora (aka Reingard)

  4. Happy Blog Anniversary! with love from Mark

  5. Happy Blog Anniversary!!!!
    You are doing it perfectly. There is not a formula that we must follow. It changes just like a writer's book has it's on demands.
    Love you Susan!

  6. Feliz Aniversario!

    You have an international multi-lingual audience; something to brag about in the bloggosphere I believe :-P

  7. Susan, I'm glad that you started the blog. Congratulations on the second anniversary of it.

  8. Happy Blogaversary! :)

    Thank you for sharing all you do. It really helps me to read your blog-- it helps me know I am not alone.

    Hugs to you and Holly,

  9. Happy Blogday to you!
    Happy Blogday to you!
    Happy Blogday dear Susan,
    Happy Blogday to you!

    Sorry I'm late!

  10. Thank you all. I wish I could send everyone real cake and party favors!


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