Wednesday, September 23, 2009

When favorite things go bad-

Bitter, at My Medicated Cartoon Life, is celebrating his 2nd,   "bloggisversary I am reminded of one of my favorite drawings of his- about Apple.  I love Apple. But the new itunes- is dreck. Awful. Piece of garbage. Updated last night and - yeah, everything crashes again.So it's back to install and re install. Don't get me wrong. I am a proud member of the Cult of Mac. Once you go Mac, you won't go back. A Mac is a girls' best friend. But itunes 9? Bah!  The only thing WORSE than itunes 9, is the new update to Blogger, because I cannot post this real cool movie to my blog I am aching to do so


  1. I Tunes has been a disaster for years now. I forget whether it was 5 or 6 updates I went through last time before getting one that worked.

  2. Bunker, i never had a problem with Apple other than minor glitches until this bomb of itunes 9 came out. Though you did save my bacon with Safari a few months ago.

  3. i agree with susan. you are really said right.


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