Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Book of Bunny Suicides

Pictures from The Book of Bunny Suicides. Please take this post with a grain of salt. Sometimes at 4 am you need a dark sense of humor.

I really really need some sleep! Like I said, its 4 am! But the black dog has lifted and now I am laughing at it......and the feeling has lifted. From these stupid cartoons. Miracle, maybe?


  1. Yes, you do need humour, even if it is dark humour. Glad you were able to find a few smiles from the cartoons. I enjoyed them too. thanks.

  2. I liked the originality of the suicide bunny cartoon as well.

  3. Polar Bear and Mark- Thank you! I was hoping the humor would be appreciated and not be too 'dark'.

    Thank you thank you thank you thank you!

  4. @Bipolar Porch- thank you. i went to your blog, and it's tops with me-maybe because I love the Drudge Report.

  5. Poor bunny! ROFLMAO!!

    I might have to get that book!

  6. He has another book called Great Lies to Tell Small Kids which is absolutely brilliant and nowhere near as morbid as the Bunny Suicides book.

    That Bunny Suicides book was bought for a friend of mine by work colleagues. Probably would have been fun has his father not just commited suicide some months before. They didn't know.

    Not their fault. You just don't know what's going on in peoples lives.

  7. @Southern Belle, you can pick up a copy for cheap at Amazon.....

    @Bitter- I have to check out that other book of his. Your poor colleague! i feel so sad for him! I hope he is ok. Next time, get Simon's Cats for a gift.....

  8. Don't let Holly watch it.
    She will be so frightened!

  9. Susan, for obvious reasons, just the word suicide gives me the chills. I wasn't going to look, but I couldn't help myself and ended up doing the LOL and ROFLMAO!! WoW - huge step if "I" can laugh at these...
    But then I took the quiz on FB "What kind of Prostitute are you?" (I was egged on by my daughters) and I flunked... The result was "Male Boy Toy"... OMG! Hopefully it isn't a sign of things to come.

  10. More (chocolate) Bunnycides, in 3D:

    KILL'EM ALL! ;)

  11. RPJ-

    I would hate to be a fly on the wall when you look at Peeps being murdered- have you ever seen the ones they do for marshmallow Peeps?

  12. There's a whole series of Bunny Suicide books now as well as postcards etc. They're all wildly entertaining. I just love them.


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