Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My most favorite show in the universe is back on the air1

I want to thank Bitter Animator, who blogs from across the pond. Apparently the BBC finally is airing a new series of Red Dwarf. It's big news because the show has been off the air for ten years!

i am doing the happy dance here. It's my all time favorite show ever, and new episodes give me something to want to watch more than anything.

If anyone is wondering why I love this show so much-here are the reasons, in no particular order.

1. I think the sexiest accent in the world a man can have is a Scouse accent. I guess this is from childhood when I thought the Beatles were the greatest rock group ever.

2. There is a character named Holly.

3. There is a character named Cat. Cat has evolved over the centuries from a black cat named Frankenstein that David Lister smuggled from shore leave on Titan. I love the idea of a cat in human form.

4. There is a robot named Kryten which usually puts me in stitches.

5. The writing, up to series 6, is brilliant, top notch, and brilliant satire. I have always felt the Brits do satire better than us Yanks- in literature, Swift, Gay and Pope made it popular, and in TV land, look at Fawlty Towers, Monty Python, French and Saunders, Chef- even Hyacinth Bucket. The best example of American satire right now on TV is :"The Office", and that came out across the pond before it came out here.

And finally- if you get rid of all the reasons above- it this simply. Dave Lister, the main character, and the one with the Scouse accent, falls in love with a woman which, according to the books in the series, dates for 6 weeks. He falls for her. Hard. When she breaks up with him, and Rimmer causes an accident on the ship which kills the entire crew, except for Dave because he is in suspended animation- all he wants to do is get back to Earth to find the girl. He is in love with her the entire series. It never wavers. He lives 3 million years in the future from his lady love, but he still loves her.

I am an incurable romantic. This story line moves me, that yes, love does exist, and it doesn't die, even if one of the partners does.


  1. Hi,

    I am not commenting specifically on today's blog. Just wanted to tell you that this is the first time I've read your blog. In fact, it's the first time I've read anyone's blog at all.

    I am one of the people who had lunch with you at that conference on Friday when you went to man a table for the state-level organization in which you are involved. You've mentioned your blog before, and I dutifully wrote it down, but never took the next step.

    In one of your blogs you mentioned being a romantic. I just finished listening to an audio book (on a set of 19 CDs) that involves a plot in which you would be thoroughly engrossed, as I was. The reader had a wonderful English accent and the story was set in the early 1800's in England. Delightful!

    The name of the audio book is "The Meaning of Night" by Michael Cox. It got some mixed reviews and it might have been a bit too long, but it involved some men who loved their women for eternity and, in consequence, stayed single and forever loyal. It is a romantic, historical novel that includes murder, treachery, eternal love, and espionage. Everything a person could want!

    I have bookmarked your blog URL and will return to it from time to time. (I never have enough time, or I am moving in slow motion and never can accomplish things as others do, or I commit to too many things.)

  2. We only have BBC News. I don't understand why but of course it's something related with money.
    Hope you fine.
    Meow to Holly!

  3. I've never seen it, but I know if "Good Neighbors" started airing new shows, I'd be doing the same BBC-related happy dance.

    Isn't it always the simple things?

  4. @themeanybeany... hi hi hi ......I will have to check out the book and see if they have it for sale on
    Audible. It sounds great.

    I look forward to seeing you in New Brunswick a week from this weekend.

    @Ana, I don't get anything by the BBC...... unless I view it on the web;-(

    xxx to Nell.Have you seen the new First Puppy?

    @ Anthony, that would be great. there were some great Felicity Kendall jokes on Red Dwarf season 1.
    email channel WHYY and tell them no money, no Good Neighbors.

  5. Hi Susan,
    Unfortunately, at this time, it's not a full series. Just the three-part special, though I think the idea with this is to test interest in another full series.

    Reactions have been mixed but, as far as I know, viewing figures have been high so it's entirely possible that this could lead to more.

    I hope so because I'd like to see a proper end to the show. Of course, the ideal would be a return to the comedy of the pre-series 7 shows. It really was a fantastic show at its height.

  6. Red Dwarf was-is a favorite of mine as well for the comedy.

  7. I am thrilled to hear this show brought back your happy dance. WOO HOO! and Cheers!

  8. Really, Felicity Kendal jokes? Wow. She was in another show called "Solo" that I liked. But then, I had a big TV crush on Felicity.

  9. *hands you a glass of mango juice* :D

  10. Okay, now I gotta see some "Red Dwarf." Thanks for the tip. Brit accent, characters named Holly AND Cat, good satire. What's not to like?

  11. off topic, but the lost dog in idaho was found, check koda's blog! :)


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