Saturday, January 17, 2009

Interview:Healthcare for the masses, or 1984 revisited

This past week I was approached by the magnificent blogger, Merelyme to provide her with a quote for a piece on the new Obama health care plan she is writing for Health Central.

I am happy to oblige, Merelyme, was the first person to add me to her blog roll when I started. and I have grown to be quite fond of her and her baby kitten Mew Mew. I also knew, that even though I do not discuss politics with people in real life or on line, my views on this subject would be, um, well, controversial and perhaps upsetting. If you haven't figured out where I stand, look at the picture.

Anyway, Merelyme has written a great piece about digiitalized health records, and it's a definite must read, And it's fine if you don't agree with me. I think the only one who will was named Eric Blair. Just keep reading me! John D of A Storied Mind is also quoted. He's high quality writing too.

And yes, to answer a question, I really do have flat feet.


  1. I don't know anyone who doesn't agree with you.

    I think it's very dangerous to have a database saying one is mentally ill...

    I know people who have died and almost died because docs find out they have a psychiatric diagnosis and don't believe they're really sick.

    Also those of us who do not want to be treated by the psychiatric industrial complex are at greater risk of forced treatment with such databases in place...

    the risk of gross human rights abuse against those of us with psychiatric dx's becomes much bigger with this scenario...

    I want off the grid altogether...

    this is insanity.

  2. Thank you for the visit and I'm sure of your position, picture or no. :)
    She writes extraordinarily well on so many topics and is fortunate to have you as a friend. I'm glad she welcomes varied opinion, even seeks it. She should get it with that post!

  3. @Gianna, thank you , that is how I feel but I am not just comfortable discussing politics on this thing. Maybe I should get over it.

    @Paul, thank you very very much and I enjoyed reading your blog this morning.
    I will add you to my blog roll shortly when i am feeling better.

  4. I avoid other politics...but shoot my blog is in large part a mental health POLITICAL blog...

    we have to care about the politics of mental health if we ever want those of us who are labeled to be treated fairly under the law.

  5. I agree with Gianna. Actually, IMO, the mental health industry has a lot more to do with politics than with health, and to start and digitally register anything beyond what you mention in the quote in Merelyme's piece (blood type, allergies, and a few more basic informations) equals to me to registering if a certain individual votes democratic or republican. 1984, yeah.

  6. The thing that scares me about it is the mental health side too. Inaccurate diagnoses abound, and people could easily be labeled nationally forever because some inadequate health care practitioner either diagnosed inaccurately or put the wrong code into a computer. *shudder* Is the country ready to pay disability for every single person with a mental health dx too? Because that could happen when employers get into the database. Note that I say when, not if, as in the case of credit reports which now every Tom, Dick and Harry can get if they have your ssn.
    Mmmmmph I'm stopping now.

    Good quote and good article both.

  7. Isn't it curious that at $2.2 Billion the FDA dummies up about adverse drug events because their computer system is inadequate to process them, but Citizen Activists filing FOIs seem to get that missing data out of the same "inadequate" FDA computers?

    While every kick backed pill peddler in the country can and does raid Everyone's records from Anywhere, Everytime they want.

    10 years ago I met a guy with a thick Russian accent, and we'd had exactly 2 sentences apiece, when he came back with:

    "I be here 6 months and this country more communist than Russia."

    I'm currently looking at a hive of psych geneticists in Virginia and one of them listed his co-occuring interest in "Data Mining." Look up who buys the info off your grocery store discount card, then Lose it and get a new one under Jane Smith @ 123 Nowhere St.

    Don't worry about being political. This is way, way, Way beyond acceptable to Anyone whose paying attention.

  8. @Gianna, I just have to get comfortable. I don't mind blathering on other people's blogs, for some reason I cannot do it on mine. I'll get there. Don't worry.

    @Marian, thanks for agreeing with me. Somethings I don't mind, like on the back of my drivers license lists my blood type and organ donor- and also has a box for diabetes, and of course glasses/contacts. That doesn't bother me- if I am in an accident the paramedics have to know that. But do they really need a list of every trip to the dentist, every yearly gyno exam? It's a slippery slope and I am afraid the ground might give way soon.

    @D Bunker- you never fail to amaze me. I learn so much from you my friend. You really knew someone from Russia who said that? My mind is reeling. So according to him, the only thing in the states that is better than over their is our TP?

    Sad. And scary. If I still drink, I would pour a Stoli.

  9. Hello. Found your posts very interesting. Drew inspiration from your courage and strength. I have been a depressive for 25 years and recently suffered a major depressive crash. Writing about my feelings has helped, especially with the crushing isolation, despair, hopelessness and suicidal thoughts. All the best.


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