Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Call to Action:Telephone Gov Pawlenty, MN, on Wed

I want to thank Stan, from the amazing blog, "Is Something Not Quite Right with Stan" for this Hat Tip! (There is a link to his blog on my blogroll).

Ray Sandford & MindFreedom: Call to Action: Telephone Governor Pawlenty on Wednesdays

MindFreedom has a call to action to telephone Minnesota Governor Pawlenty every day and ask these questions regarding the forced ECT treatment of outpatient Ray Sandford:

"Action: Telephone Governor Pawlenty's office now: From anywhere in the world phone (651) 296-3391. From inside Minnesota phone toll free: (800) 657-3717.You can leave a message at any time. You can reach staff any non-holiday weekday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Central Time.Call any day, but especially call on Wednesdays.

Be polite but be firm and persistent. Ask one or more of these questions:

1. Does the Governor support Minnesota laws allowing involuntary outpatient electroshock?

2. Is the Governor aware that some Minnesota citizens are being escorted from their homes using court orders to receive involuntary electroshock?

3. How many Minnesota residents receive electroshock against their wishes, as either an inpatient our outpatient?

4. Who collects this data?

5. How is this data reported to the public?

And if you have any doubts about this campaign, go ahead and ask,

6. "Are reports on the Internet true that some Minnesota residents receive electroshock involuntarily on an outpatient basis?"

You may be directed to another department such as Human Rights. Do not give up. Keep asking. If you do not get a return call soon, call back to complain.If you do receive any helpful information, e-mail it to

UPDATE 10:43 am Pacific Time: Staff in several offices is definitely aware of this campaign.

Phone calls to Governor now mainly seem to be re-directed to a voice mail. Please leave a clear message and ASK FOR A CALL BACK. If you do NOT get a call back in a day or two, please phone again asking for a call back.

I urge every Mental Health Blogger that believes forced ECT is Wrong and Inhumane to copy and paste this article to their site.

Thank you,



  1. If someone is suicidally depressed, I guess the state/hospital/psychiatrist may feel the need to jail-hospitalize them. To force ECT(invisible brain damage) to change the mind of the depressed is wrong. Cost of jailing a patient should not figure into the equation of "saving" someone.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. @Mark, forced ECT or forced anything on an adult is wrong wrong wrong wrong. If you want ECT, fine. I personally think it's barbaric and shouldn't be done at all, but I am sure there are people who want it and if they want it fine. But to force it on someone, that is wrong.

    @Stephany, I want to thank you and Stan for posting this yesterday and allowing me to mirror it.


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