Tuesday, October 28, 2008

For Koda

It's snowing! It's snowing!

Really Hard! It's the first snow of the year!


  1. Is that really how it looks where you live? I've been a native Southern Californian all my life...does it show?

    However, I do like to snow ski. But, to have snow at home!!! It is so beautiful. I know it gets to be a pain to live in. Thanks for the exciting picture and a break from sunny, hot 90 degree weather today.

  2. Ooohhhh....cool!!!

    I love the first snowfall of winter.

  3. I hate snow..would rather be back in CA...and not in the Sierras where it does snow!

    Granted it is beautiful at times and there have been a few delightful occasions in my life with snow...but in general if it's cold enough to snow, in my opinion, it's just too cold!

  4. @Clueless - no, that is not where I live currently, but it looks like the back yard in the house I grew up in. I found it on Google from "snow in NJ". I chose it because it really does look like the old back yard, and the place where my previous cat is buried.

    @ Polar Bear, I would guess with a name like 'Polar Bear" you like snow too! How are you doing?

    @ Gianna, you sound like my parents and my ex! They hated snow too! Does the dog like the snow though?

  5. Wow, I can't remember the last time I saw proper snow...it's gorgeous

    Rasp xXx

  6. how funny that you should ask about the dog...she hates rain, but when it snows she prances around in it and it's so cute. Sometimes it comes up to her head and she bounds in and out of it...

    that IS one of the delightful things about snow...watching my dog in it!!

    thanks for making me think of something nice...

  7. The first snowfall of the year is always a beautiful thing.

  8. The first snow fall of the year just came here as well. I do, however, not rejoice as it simply means my daily 40 minute walk home from work is gonna be increasingly uncomfortable.

    Good for you that have a car though!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. oh wow...that is so incredible! snow? this early? it is beautiful


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