Wednesday, September 17, 2008

One beautiful thing out of ashes.

My friend and muse, Philip Dawdy just finished his fundraiser. He was able to raise the money he sorely needs to continue his website, Furious Seasons. Though the fund drive is over, you can still contribute via check or Paypal. If you haven't contributed, why not throw a few dollars his way? It's for a good cause.

Philip just posted pictures of his beautiful office cats, KC and Katie. on Furious Seasons. What you all don't know is I have an unpublished photo of Katie, which , as founding member of the KC and Katie fan club, I am pleased to post. In honor of Philip, and his amazing writing. I was given this beautiful photo as a birthday present.

As for the KC and Katie fan club- it's open to all kitties (and their humans). Holly is the president - but all are welcome- even dogs!


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