Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It's been a bad day, I need a cute fix

It's been the among the worst 24 hours of my life A very good friend committed suicide this weekend. He was 28.

I need a cute fix.

It was made by another dear friend , and is dedicated to the memory of Kevin Greim, friend, and cat lover. 1980-2008



  1. shit...I'm really, really sorry...

    If I can be of support in any way let me know...

    love to you.

  2. I The Random Kitten Generator to be a helpful tool as well.

    My heart goes out to you.

  3. I am so sorry to hear about your friend. *hugs of the mind*

  4. Wish I had read this before I posted my pathetic whine on my own blog. I'm so sorry for your loss. This time of year sucks in my opinion. Some helpful psychiatrist once told everyone in the psych. ward in October that October was the month with the most amount of suicides....I'd share his place of work but unfortunately he is still there...being ever so helpful to patients...NOT!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I know we are still in September but it's feeling like October with the suicides in the news and elsewhere. Let's all be safe and all remember to always wait two weeks before committing suicide.

  5. Gianna, AA, Immi, and Alison,

    Thank you. For being there, for writing beautiful blogs, and understanding.

  6. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss! Take good care of you and yours.

  7. Susan.... (loss for words)...

    Hugs. And more hugs.


  8. Thank you Ana, CK and Jessi.

    I am doing Ok. I have a friend here, we just came back from the memorial service and it's good that neither of us are alone.

    Over 300 people my guess, in that tiny room in the funeral parlor.

    I willed my fear of crowds to take a hike. I did it.


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